SEBA re-brands into School of Entrepreneurship and Business Administration

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Dear Students, Faculty and Staff

We are pleased to highlight recent SEBA news. AUCA Business Administration and Economics Departments are now separate divisions that undertake steps to strengthen their respective fields of concentration and expertise.

SEBA is now re-branding and stands for School of Entrepreneurship and Business Administration, which highlights fields of excellence and future strategy of the Department in Entrepreneurship, Finance and Accounting, and Business. This is a very important step towards international accreditation efforts that SEBA is currently undertaking, which puts focus on unique aspects of AUCA SEBA in Central Asia.

This change will not affect current, prospective, local and international students in any ways. It only opens more opportunities for students to utilize their potential in SEBA areas of expertise.

All the Best,

SEBA Administration

© 2016-2023 SEBA; School of Entrepreneurship and Business Administration; American University of Central Asia